Fluorescent Assay Protocols & Demonstrations

Based on demonstrations we have conducted, as well as work we have done with current customers, we have put together three different types of documents.

Assay Overview

These documents provide a quick snapshot of how an assay could be performed on the Celigo, with some images and results of the assay. Download the complete Celigo Assay Overview eBook for all Assay Overviews.

Demonstration Experiment

These documents are created from actual experiments that have been conducted on the Celigo. The documents review how the experiment was done using the Celigo, and summarizes the results from the experiment. Download the complete Celigo Demonstration Experiment eBook for all Demonstration Experiments.

Application Protocol

These documents are instructional, and provide step-by-step details for customers to follow if they are running the assay on their Celigo, or for potential customers to review if they are setting up the experiments they will be conducting during the Celigo demonstration. For a copy of an Application Protocol document you see listed available here, please reach out to your local Applications Scientist, email us at support@nexcelom.com or call 978-327-5340

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